Lyrical Musings an emotional journey via train of thought



it’s getting hard to deny
you can’t deny
the facts
the cold hard truth
knocking at your door
you just can’t anymore
the walls are crumbling
as you realize
(this day was meant to be)
this day has finally come
that everything has changed
like it always does
no one bothered to ask
they just ripped away your support
not caring if your were wounded
they tore at your defenses
not knowing how it hurt you
they did everything inspite
of all the time you had given them
and now you try to deny
but you can’t deny
because everything has changed
and the more you deny
the faster it comes
a speeding bullet
piercing the comfort of your life
breaking the fragile boundaries
of the eggshell wall
surrounding you
keeping you safe from the rest of the world
from the truth
and you try to deny
but you can’t deny
so you sit
and watch
staring in awe and wonder
because everything has changed
and they left you in the dust
(don’t you hate it that way?)

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